Sunday, September 10, 2017

Ready, Set, YEAR 12 is here!

Welcome back to school to all my teacher friends! It's hard to believe another summer has come and gone and we have another year in front of us!

I am vowing to put myself first this year which sounds a little funny because as moms and teachers, we typically put ourselves last. But you can't pour from an empty cup and I'm finally listening to that advice.

So this year, here are my resolutions for the school year!  New year (just school, not calendar) = New resolutions!

1. Walk more. Even after being on my feet all day.
2. Drink more.  Not alcohol, but water!
3.  Sleep more - we'll see if this one actually happens!
4.  Get more time for my hobbies - playing on my cricut, cooking, making TPT items, whatever it might be.
5. Read for pleasure (not just the UoS for school!)

Do you have any new school year resolutions???

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